School Attendance

As a parent you are legally responsible for making sure that your child goes to school.  If they cannot go for any reason you should tell us and we may be able to authorise the absence.

Absence Procedure

If you keep your child at home due to illness, it's important to phone the school office by 9am leaving their name and a reason. Use Option 1 when requested to report your child’s absence and reason. Please continue to call each morning until your child returns to school (unless it's a long term illness/medical condition or the 48 hours required after vomiting).

When a child is absent from school and no notification has been received, we will telephone all contact numbers for that child, in the order notified by the parent, until we make contact with someone and obtain an explanation for the child’s absence. If the contact does not pick up we will leave a voicemail message where possible. If by 10 a.m we have not managed to speak to any of the contacts provided, the Senior Leadership Team will make a decision about further action. This will range from making a record of an unauthorised absence, but no further action, to making a home visit or contacting the Police. It is therefore very important that you contact the school office and leave a message on each day of your child’s absence from school. Thank you.

Further information from Halton including the Penalty Process Protocol can be found at:


Attendance Documents

Updated: 25/09/2024 320 KB
This policy clarifies how Hill View Primary School will work with families to identify the barriers to achieving and maintaining excellent attendance and offer the right service at the right time to try to resolve any difficulties.
Updated: 11/09/2024 245 KB
Updated: 19/02/2020 784 KB
Updated: 19/02/2020 646 KB